Dokan Mobile App

Turn Your Customers'
Shopping Experience
into a Seamless Journey

With the WooCommerce mobile app from Dokan, let your customers shop easier and smarter. Maximize your sales with Dokan powered marketplace.

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Why Choose

Dokan Mobile App

Turn your marketplace website into a smart mobile app.
The advance features you'll be getting.


Android + iOS App

Whether you are targeting customers on Play Store or App Store, the robust Dokan app is compatible for both.


Save 2000+ hours

Build a multivendor shopping app from scratch with the complete Dokan Mobile App, and save over 2000 hours of coding.


Reduce Cost by 70%

Save thousands of dollars from hiring app developers by getting the Dokan App instead.



Your brand name & logo will be everywhere on the app. Your customers won't see any Dokan branding.


Secure Payment

All WooCommerce payments along with Dokan integrated gateways including Google & Apple Pay are available to offer your shoppers an easy payment experience.


No Training Required

No course or training is necessary to get the most out of the app. For any assistance, view our detailed user manual.

What Makes

The App Different?

Looking for the best value-for-money multi-vendor mobile app?
Check out what you’re getting from Dokan Shoppers' App.


Multi-language + RTL Support

Easily use the app for different audiences with multi-lingual & right-to-left (RTL) support.


Support On-demand

Our attentive & experienced support team is 24/7 ready to take care of any issue regarding your app.


Personalized Profile

Customers can edit their profiles, manage settings, and make changes to their wishlist, all from one place.

Complete Shoppers’ App

Multiple Lists of Products

Boost sales by showing users all types of lists like Featured Products, Best
Selling Products, Top Rated Products, and New Arrivals along with All
Categories, Vendors, and Products List.

  • Easy Checkout System

    Easy Checkout System

    To ensure correct and proper delivery, an option for confirming billing and shipping address is available for every checkout.

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  • App that Represents Your Brand

    App that Represents Your Brand

    Branding matters for businesses of all size. With Dokan mobile app, easily set the name, logo, colors in your way and strengthen both value and visibility of your brand.

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  • Product Lists for Individual Stores

    Product Lists for Individual Stores

    In the store details, there’s an option for browsing through all the products a single vendor or seller has got. This helps customers to see the entire collection of a vendor from a single place.

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Easiest Way to
Get the App

The process of getting your app is so simple that all
you have to do is to wish for it.


Purchase the App
for Your Marketplace


Submit the Credentials
For Us to Build It


Get the App Ready
For Your Customers


Don’t Miss the Opportunity
of Capturing Smartphone Users

90% of mobile time is spent using apps
compared to browsers

53% of smartphone users buy from
company-specific apps

Over 50% of all internet traffic
shops from mobile devices

Conversion rate is 3X higher in
Mobile apps than that in mobile sites

The Most Authentic Mobile
App for Your Marketplace


Created by Dokan

Get the app from the most
authentic source - weDevs,
the creator of Dokan


Support On-demand

Our attentive & experienced
support team is 24/7 ready
to take care of any issue
regarding your app.


All Service in One Bucket

From uploading your app to
App Store and Google Play to
update, bug-fixing - everything
is taken care of by us.

App Screenshots

See some samples to get a clearer idea about the
looks of your marketplace app.

  • Dokan Multivendor Plugin Mobile App Account sign in
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