Electronic Marketplace

Create an Electronic Marketplace with Dokan

An online Electronic Marketplace is an e-commerce platform where lots of sellers can sell electronics products from one place. Dokan is a plugin that allows you to create such marketplaces with the least effort possible.

Electronic Marketplace
4 Step working process

How to Build Your Own Multipurpose
Marketplace with Dokan Multi-vendor

Follow these easy steps and create your own online marketplace with minimal time

Download and <br> install Dokan

Download and
install Dokan

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Start Earning from Commissions

Start Earning from Commissions

Let Multiple Vendors Sell <br>from Your Marketplace
Let Multiple Vendors Sell <br>from Your Marketplace

Let Multiple Vendors Sell
from Your Marketplace

Vendors and brands selling electronic products can just sign up
and start selling their products from your
marketplace easily.
Let them sell from here, and get your commission as the
marketplace owner.

Ensure Authenticity with<br> Warranty & Refund <br>Management
Ensure Authenticity with<br> Warranty & Refund <br>Management

Ensure Authenticity with
Warranty & Refund

With an advanced shipping module, maintain hassle-free
delivery of products to customers. Refund, Warranty
management can also be handled pretty quickly with

Let Customers Find <br>Electronic Items Easily
Let Customers Find <br>Electronic Items Easily

Let Customers Find
Electronic Items Easily

With Ajax live search, customers can find shops & products within
seconds. They can also compare products from different sellers. Your
marketplace becomes the one-stop solution for electronic items.

Utilize Popular Payment <br>Systems

Utilize Popular Payment

Let customers use Stripe, PayPal, Moip, Bank Accounts to
seamlessly make payments for their shopping. If any other
payment system is popular in your country, we can connect
it too as advanced customization.

Multiple Commission System
Multiple Commission System

Multiple Commission System

Earn in a more convenient way with a flat, percentage, or both flat &
percentage (combined) commission system. Also set different tiers of
commission rate product wise, category wise, and several other ways.

Dokan is the easiest way to get up and running
your online marketplace.

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