Digital Marketplace

Create an Digital Marketplace with Dokan

A Digital Marketplace is an online platform where numerous retailers sell their digital products i.e. software, ebooks, games, photography, music, etc. Dokan is a plugin that allows you to create such marketplaces without any hassle.

Digital Marketplace
4 Step working process

How to Build Your Own Multipurpose
Marketplace with Dokan Multi-vendor

Follow these easy steps and create your own online marketplace with minimal time

Download and <br> install Dokan

Download and
install Dokan

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Start Earning from Commissions

Start Earning from Commissions

Bring Digital Products & <br>Services in One Place
Bring Digital Products & <br>Services in One Place

Bring Digital Products &
Services in One Place

Create a marketplace where arts, music, movies, e-books, software,
subscriptions, and all other digital products are sold. Approve as
many vendors as you want. Make your marketplace the first choice
for digital goods.

Frontend Dashboard for <br>Vendors and Customers
Frontend Dashboard for <br>Vendors and Customers

Frontend Dashboard for
Vendors and Customers

Customers and Vendors get access to a rich frontend dashboard that
allows easy management of product inventory including sales, orders,
discounts, coupons, and more.

Complete Insights from <br> Reports & Statement
Complete Insights from <br> Reports & Statement

Complete Insights from
Reports & Statement

Utilize worldwide popular payment gateways in your Booking
marketplace. Customers can use Stripe, PayPal, Bank accounts to
seamlessly make payments online.

Live Chat for Instant & <br>Personal Customer Service
Live Chat for Instant & <br>Personal Customer Service

Live Chat for Instant &
Personal Customer Service

Vendors can use their Facebook Messenger or TalkJS account to
enable live chat in their stores. This will ensure customer
satisfaction and reliability.

Dokan is the easiest way to get up and running
your online marketplace.

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