Booking Marketplace

Create A Booking Marketplace with Dokan

Online Booking Marketplace refers to the platform where consumers can book different services from different sellers from a single place. Dokan is a plugin that allows you to create such marketplaces without any hassle.

Booking Marketplace
4 Step working process

How to Build Your Own Multipurpose
Marketplace with Dokan Multi-vendor

Follow these easy steps and create your own online marketplace with minimal time

Download and <br> install Dokan

Download and
install Dokan

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Configure Marketplace to your liking

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Welcome Vendors to Sell

Start Earning from Commissions

Start Earning from Commissions

Include Any Bookable <br>Services
Include Any Bookable <br>Services

Include Any Bookable

Create a marketplace where travel agencies, hotels, and other
businesses can join. From hotel rooms, resorts, conference rooms, to
airways, rent-a-cars - discover limitless opportunities with Dokan.

Calendar System to Manage<br> Bookings
Calendar System to Manage<br> Bookings

Calendar System to Manage

Customers get to customize booking orders conveniently with Dokan.
Vendors can provide multiple time blocks, time restrictions, people
and resource limitations, and much more in bookings.

Secure Payment Systems
Secure Payment Systems

Secure Payment Systems

Utilize worldwide popular payment gateways in your Booking
marketplace. Customers can use Stripe, PayPal, Bank accounts to
seamlessly make payments online.

Coupon Management
Coupon Management

Coupon Management

Managing coupons for different services is not a hassle anymore.
Let your vendors handle their discounts on their own, right from the
frontend dashboard

Dokan is the easiest way to get up and running
your online marketplace.

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